Best Nail Fungus Cure

3rd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nail fungus, also referred to as Onychomycosis, is a nail problem that you would not detect when it starts happening to you unless of course the issue might be getting worse. It starts with the staining of the tip of the nail (typically yellow or black), next ultimately it covers the entire nail if left without treatment. Commonly, nail fungus occurs at the toenail because of the setting that it is uncovered at. Continue reading Read More

Is Zetaclear Nail Fungus TreatmentAn Useful Nail Fungus Remedy?

6th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Fungus is all around us. Perhaps not the most pleasant thought, but it is true. The thought of fungus becomes even more unpleasant when it gets in your toenails. Fungus usually invades the toenails after a trauma to the nails. The toenail lifts slightly from the nail bed and then the fungus seizes the moment and invades the toenail. The nail provides the fungus with a strong protective barrier. This barrier makes it difficult for medications to kill the fungus. For this reason, prevention is very important. Almost anyone who wears tight-fitting shoes or tight hosiery is more likely to develop toenail fungus, especially if they also practice poor foot hygiene. Another risk is wearing layers of toenail polish, which doesn’t allow the nail to breathe. Also, because toenail fungi may spread from foot to foot on the floors of showers and locker rooms, fungal infections of the toenails are especially common among military personnel, athletes and miners. Continue reading Read More

Learn All About Nail Fungus Treatments

29th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Fungal infections are common on both fingernails and toenails. Toenail fungus also known as onychomycosis is caused by a group of fungus identified as dermatophytes. These fungus are harmful because as they grow they feed on the keratin that makes up the surface of the toe nail. When this happens, it is absolutely essential for you to begin a nail fungus treatment immediately. Continue reading Read More