Getting Physical Activity When School Is Out

10th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

During summer break it is easy to get kids playing outside. How do you keep the kids active when the weather is much colder.? How can kids get the physical activity they need? When they are in school they usually have some time for physical activity. There are still many ways for a parent to entice their children to get the activity that they need to even if they are stuck inside their home. Continue reading Read More

Use Video Games To Help Your Kids Lose Weight

7th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Playing video games is a favorite hobby of many children. A common fear is that kids will have too sedentary a lifestyle when they play the games too much. Although with the new systems like the xbox 360 kinect there is some movement that is involved with video gaming it is not enough on its own to give kids the amount of physical activity they nee and when we think our kids were spending too much time in front of the television there are some simple solutions to keeping them active while letting them enjoy their favorite video games.The first and most important part is to set some rules. The rules need to be put into place by the parents and they need to be monitored. It is good to let the child have some say in the rules that are set. The adults must be the ones who make the decision in the end. Write down all the rules on a piece of paper and post it on spot where everyone can see it.Set a maximum amount of time per day that children are allowed to play video games. Remind your children that they have more important responsibilities that come before they get to play. Remind children that they have to do their homework and keep their grades up to play the games. There will be plenty of time to play when there is no school the next day. Remind your children that you have rules in place about their game play. Find some way to monitor how much time your child is playing and stick to the limits. When you want to limit the amount of TV a child watches make the time limits for game include watching TV as well.Find some ways for a child to get extra playing time such as when they do something that gets them exercising. Kids will do things that give them extra time and they will start to enjoy those things as much as playing the games. It is also possible to have a child do physical chores that earn them game time.It is important for the parent to hold the kids accountable for the things they say they are doing. Do not accept things that are not done correctly. Sloppy work should not be recorded. Find a way to make the rewards real, such a certificate. It is a great way to make them understand that hard work will get them some type of reward. Make sure that when a child plays the games those times are recorded too.Work out a list of chores and activities that your children can follow when they need to gain more time. Do not make everything worth the same amount of time, but rather base it on how difficult the task is. Do not let your children build up more time than they should be using. Too much video gaming is not always healthy, no matter what they do to earn it.With the recent xbox 360 kinect release date some kids are more excited than ever about the future of video gaming, but unfortunately, young children do not always make the right choices about what to do so parents need to give their children guidance along the way. Any time a child can be taught how to make good decisions, it will help them later in life. It is okay and recommended for the adults to play the games with their children. Family activities can be used to help kids gain some gain time. Include physical activities for the entire family to help bring the family closer together. It is okay to challenge your kids to a video game. You might find that you enjoy them as well. It could be something that gets the whole family more active. Continue reading Read More

What Is The Difference Between The Gaming Systems

31st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The most popular gaming systems in the market today are the Playstation Move, The Xbox 360 Kinect, and the Wii. What is different about the three systems? With Microsoft’s highly anticipated xbox 360 kinect release date finally in stores, all three major current-generation gaming consoles now offer some form of motion control and the Xbox 360’s has got Kinect, the PS3 has the PlayStation Move, and the Wii has the motion controllers so it is important to look at what makes these systems different, where each one is successful, and where each one is lacking. With the PS3 a player will use both a controller and a camera to control their motions. Because of the this, Playstation is able to track a gamer as they move around a room. By having a control in their hand a player can aim at the screen with it to make some games easier. ThePlayStation Move requires room to function. In that way it is similar to the kinect system. If you already have a Playstation 3 you can get a bundle for the move that costs $99. For a little less than four hundred dollars a gamer will be able to buy the complete system. There are also other accessories that can be purchased for the console.For someone who does not want to have to hold something in the hand while they play, then the Xbox is the console for them, To get around the games and use the various functions a person uses a combination of hand and body movements. The game also has speech recognition to help a player navigate around it. The downside of this system is the amount of space that is required. It is even more important to have plenty of space for this system than the others.The xbox 360 kinect price is around $150 for the kinect only but if you don’t have an Xbox 360, you will need to purchase that although you can get a Kinect bundle for $299 or a person can opt for a system with more storage space, and they can turn to the Kinect and the 250GB Xbox 360 for $449. When considering the price remember that there are no extra joysticks that are needed with this console.For the Wii, all the motion control is in the remote. Nintendo has made it’s joystick and nunchuk combination better with more advanced technology over time. The new controller is much more consistent. Movement is translated much better now. The problem with the Wii is the titles that are played on it do not seem as crisp. If a person is looking or a lifelike experience the Nintendo system might not be right for them. You do not have to put a bundle together to get the Wii. The console requires the least amount of money to get started. By spending less than two hundred dollars a person can start playing games on the Nintendo. If a person wants to the cost can go up much higher. One look at the aisle for the Wii shows a person how many different things can be bought. This includes holders for the control that resemble the equipment needed for the game. A person can buy special charging units and covers for the controllers if they choose.In the end, the game system you use is up to you. There are good parts and bad parts with the different consoles. The different gaming systems also are good for different genres of titles and a person needs to think about that. For younger gamers the type of system is also important. For people who are serious gamers the choice of the console is very important and should not be taken lightly. Many houses are being filled with the sounds of the games being played on these new platforms. Video gaming is more exciting than ever. The young and old alike can enjoy the platforms. So do not miss out on the fun. Continue reading Read More

My Life As A Gamer

30th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

My life as a gamer began when I was a young kid. I have played them for over four decades. Technology has taken games to an unbelievable level. However not everything is new about the systems. When looking back on my years o playing it is fun to look at what has been, what is right now and what will come in the future and with the recent xbox 360 kinect release date and my rush to the store to get one for Christmas, it is a good time to write down my experiences as a gamer. Continue reading Read More

Using Motion Gaming To Get Fit

23rd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Parents used to worry that their children would not get enough physical activity because they played to many video games. They are said to be one of the reasons that we are facing the problem of obesity and although they should take some of the heat there is a new generation of video game consoles that was started by the Nintendo Wii and now includes the Playstation 3 and xbox 360 kinect that are getting kids up out of the chair and moving around more than ever before. The good news is that gaming is a very popular hobby or today’s children. They may not be serious gamers, but they are love the challenges that are created by the motion games. They find that dancing and running together is challenging and fun. Parents love that the game requires them to move. To combat the problem of obesity we need to get our young exercising no matter how it happens.The games that are being sold are good for children and adults alike and can help anyone get some exercise. When you play a motion video game you can play many different roles in the games. These games can be a lot of fun. There are also games that are designed specifically to help with a person’s fitness. This was something that was not expected at first. Older gaming units required a joystick to control the action. The new Wii has motion-sensitive controllers so instead of pushing a button to swing a tennis racket, the player actually moves the controller and with the upcoming xbox 360 kinect release date the xbox will allow a user to control the action with the movement of their body and no other controller in their hand is needed. As a result, players actually have to get up off the couch to get into the game.Games are being created for people of all ages. The variety of games seems endless. It is not the same as it used to be. There is no reason for a person not to try to have fun. The games are not only for the serious gamer anymore. The trend towards interactive games is something the customers are demanding. Consumers want a wide variety of titles that are good for young and old to play together. A wider variety is appearing on the shelves of stores.Motion gaming has a lot of good things about it. People need to be active to stay healthy. Kids are struggling with weight issues more and more. The best way to fight the problem is by getting our young moving. Since kids love to play games on the television, it is a good thing to mix the two things. Physical activity will become something that a child wants to do.One thing companies and families are discovering is that interactive games lead them easily to quality family time. Videos games have helped recreate many family game nights. Companies have come up with many titles that are designed for families to play together. Games are no longer just for a single player. The lure of video games can bring adults and kids together in a very positive and fun way.The idea of playing video games is not something that is new. The popularity of gaming has far exceeded what most thought it was going to become. It is normal for people to have a gaming system or sometimes two. The idea of a video game helping someone create a fitness routine is something that was not expected. But it is a very positive effect of the consoles. And a family can have fun while they are playing the games.|Exercising does not have to be a chore it you can use a video game to help you do it.|Instead of working out in a dark and dirty gym people are able to work out in their own home with a smile on their ace.} Continue reading Read More

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