Why Should A Person Lose The Pounds

28th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a growing trend towards people who are considered to be fat in the world. There is also a desire by these individuals to do something about the problem. The only way to accomplish this goal is by consuming less calories than your body needs. You need only to count calories, not carbs, or fat, or whatever the latest diet trend is suggesting that you should keep track of because it is the calories, and not the carbs or fat in a specific food determine what is the best way for rapid fat loss or what will help a person achieve a healthy body shape for the long haul. There are a couple of things to keep in mind when you are trying to lose weight.1. Dedicate yourself to doing what it takes to shed the pounds. This is important to do no matter how overweight a person is and what they want to accomplish. This is the most important step when it comes to your weight loss journey. A dieting process is difficult to do and a person will often waver in their commitment to a program if they are unsure about it working or not. Without the commitment to doing the right things a person can easily procrastinate and put their program off to another day. People will find that without the commitment to a dieting plan, they will always doubt their ability to get into the shape that they think that they should be.2. Weigh yourself. It is hard to argue with actual numbers that happen when you step on the scale. Weighing yourself daily will help you to stay focused on your goal. Those who keep off the weight they have lost, are often those who weigh themselves daily.3. Track your eating habits to make sure that you are providing your body with the right nutrition and are not overeating. The idea behind weight loss is to use more calories than you put into your body through food if you want to stay fit and trim. Start a food diary to have a record of your daily caloric intake and output. It is much easier to break bad habits of eating if you see them written down in front of you and this is what a journal can accomplish. Continue reading Read More

Do You Still Watch A Reality Show About Weight Loss

10th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Just like any other television show, the Biggest Loser keeps itself fresh by making changes to the format of the show, The people on the show are more contentious than ever. They talk more and more about the game play. Ultimately, however, the show is pretty much exactly what it has always been which is good news for NBC, which has found a way to combine the appeal of reality television with America’s desire to learn how to slim down fast, and turned it into a steady source of popular programming. The basic premise is the same as always. A group of contestants who are grossly overweight take this opportunity to really focus on getting those extra pounds off, with trainers pushing them. The contestants are taught to deal with the problems that caused them to gain the weight in the first place. There are also transformations. Producers have been getting people who are heavier and heavier. The contestants are losing more weight than ever before.When someone is chosen for the show it is because of something more than just their weight issues. The audience needs to feel sympathy for the contestants. Drama is created when the viewers find out the history behind a person’s struggle with their body shape and why they are facing the problem now. That makes it hard not to root for everyone to succeed, which is the point. The appeal of the Biggest Loser is that the prize is mostly the right to be there as long as possible, and the audience watches to see who loses the weight rather than who wins the $250,000 grand prize and the show offers a chance to see what can happen when people receive intensive support in the weight-loss process, rather that an infomercial that promises to help a person learn what is the quickest way to lose weight in 2 weeks, and likely serves as an inspiration for viewers to get off the couch and try and start the process themselves.There is a host for the show. Many people do not even realize who that person is. The Loser host role really offers very little to do each week. They are remembered mostly for congratulating people on their weight loss and informing the eliminated contestant that they aren’t the biggest loser, but the question of who should get the job has always been somewhat controversial as one host looked like she would be a better fit on an infomercial about best way to lose weight with hypothyroidism because but she struggled with her weight, and was hardly as trim as the show’s trainers. In the end she was too large to host a show about weight loss. It really does not matter who the host is. The story centers on the trainers and the contestants. One trainer left the show because she was unhappy at how she was portrayed. The show got her to come back and she is still on the show. The trainers work their team hard. Some contestants are pushed near their breaking point.There is a large pool of people who still want to get onto the show despite the harsh conditions. The idea of finding a way to lose a large amount of weight in a short time is something that many people desire. That idea that a person can somehow transform their lives in one season is one of the main reasons that viewers are drawn to the show every season.For those reasons, the Biggest Loser will be around for several more years. There is a never ending list of people who want to be on a show that will help them transform their body. And if the stories are interesting, there will be viewers. Continue reading Read More