Prevent Vision Issues Caused By Computer Use With Simple Eye Exercises

8th November, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nearly everyone who spends long hours daily in front of a computer screen complains of some eye discomfort. It could be occasional moments of blurred eyesight, loss of focus, eye fatigue and even headaches. Eye care professionals from the American Optometric Association call this set of vision complaints Computer Vision Syndrome and associate it with the employment of a PC, computer game, mp3 player or any other hand-held electronic gizmo. Continue reading Read More

Whom Should Consider Doing Vision Exercises?

23rd October, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Vision exercises are a well-known method to foster vision health and improve vision naturally. However, men and women with vision problems rarely consider them as a viable therapy alternative. Those with good eyesight never think about doing something for saving and protecting it. Therefore come the questions: who should think about doing vision exercises? Are eye exercises appropriate only for people who’ve bad vision? If you can see perfectly, why need you exercise your eyes? There’s a straightforward way to figure out whether vision exercises are right for you. Continue reading Read More

Is It Possible To Enhance Your Vision Naturally Using Pinhole Glasses?

20th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you have some eyesight disorder, or maybe even if you enjoy 20/20 eyesight, you may have heard about pinhole glasses. Moreover, you might have come across one of the many advertisements saying that pinhole glasses can improve vision naturally. Is this actually true or is it merely another advertising strategy engineered to convince you to waste some “wish for better vision” cash? Continue reading Read More

Eye Exercise That Helps Improve Farsightedness Naturally

18th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The beneficial effects of some eye exercises were revealed nearly 100 years ago. This short article is targeted at disclosing the healing potential of one such eye exercise known as the Candle Method vision exercise. Continue reading Read More

The Way In Which The Sun Can Destroy Your Eyes plus Cause Poor Eyesight

5th September, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The Way In Which The Sun Can Destroy Your Eyes and Cause Poor Vision Continue reading Read More

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