Hormonal Changes Cause Dental Problems In Pregnancy

8th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Adequate dental care is a must for a pregnant mother’s health as well as for the child in her womb.To ensure that your unborn baby’s teeth will be in excellent condition, you must take good care of your overall health and well being and give priority to your oral health as well. Having regular check ups with your dentist, proper brushing and flossing, avoiding fatty food and sticking to a nutritious and balanced diet are the steps to ensure this. Continue reading Read More

Surgery After Being Bacteria Free

4th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Last July was when the patient who was a 26 year old man from Long Beach, California checked into the hospital but prior to that he was expecting a number of physical exams and blood tests for his long awaited kidney transplant. After hearing that he had to see a dentist, he was bewildered. What he did not know was that his bad gums mattered. In order for the surgery to continue, he should be bacteria free. Continue reading Read More

Whitening Teeth

1st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Over time, teeth can stain. This can be made worse by red wine, coffee, tea, or cigarette smoke. Despite brushing and flossing your teeth on a frequent basis and in spite of your regular visits to the dentist, your teeth will stain to some degree. Continue reading Read More

Sugar, Not Refined Foods Or Starches Source Of Cavities In Western Societies

10th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A TV commercial showing a child who boasts about having only one cavity reveals to us the sad state of the nation’s dental health. Upon reaching the age of 21, the child’s boast of one cavity will not mean a thing because he will have had much more by then. Continue reading Read More

Contradictions Against Dental Equipment

28th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Astronauts were sent to earth orbit during the Skylab space flights in 1973 and the manned flights made use of a wide variety of advanced dental equipment to assist the astronauts.Military dentists at the national aeronautics and space administration (NASA) have developed a relevant dental component of an in-flight medical support system or IMSS primarily for Skylab use. The Skylab space travels yielded three flights each one lasting from 4 to 8 weeks at a time employing three man crews that had the opportunity to make use of the dental equipment on board. Continue reading Read More

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