Some May Experience Sore Throat When They Have Glandular Fever And This Can Be Relieved With Salt Water Gargle

5th March, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many people have already contacted with glandular fever around the world. It had been known that Epstein-Barr virus is the one that is causing people to have glandular fever. The glandular fever can stay in your body for 30 to 50 days before showing its signs. The symptoms for glandular fever are usually enough for doctors to get the right diagnosis. Glandular fever can last for a few weeks before the patient feels better but this fever is not a serious kind. A patient would still have the Epstein-Barr virus in his/her body even after months from contacting the glandular fever. If you had glandular fever, you may still remain infectious from weeks up to several months. There are people who are infected with Epstein-Barr virus but don’t get the fever. Headache and tiredness are two of the usual first symptoms of glandular fever during the first few days. It is earlier for children to show glandular fever symptoms than it is for adults after they are infected with the virus. Usual Symptoms of mono are minor to moderate degree fever as well as inflammation of lymph nodes. A patient that has glandular fever may have glandular fever symptoms that would last for several weeks. Continue reading Read More