Great Considerations On Confidence Boosters For Mums Returning To Work

4th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s never easy taking a career break, but sometimes ‘you’ve just got to do, what you’ve got to do,’ as the saying goes. This is particularly appropriate when you have to make preparations for – and welcome into the World – a new arrival. Mum can be very focused indeed when it comes to the significant challenge of raising a child and it is understandable that her main focus may not, for the time being, be on her career, which will be on hiatus. Our society rightfully accommodates the mum-to-be during these times and thankfully, she doesn’t have to worry about finances too much. Continue reading Read More

Essential Pointers On Guilt Busting Techniques For Working Mums

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a working mum, you could be forgiven for feeling those pangs of guilt from time to time. Sometimes you feel that whatever you do, you are doing the wrong thing. If you have taken a decision to look after your children at home, you might feel that some people consider that you are not “pulling your weight” and contributing enough. If you decide to go back to work after childbirth, you feel guilty about that option as well and feel that some people are criticising you for not giving enough attention to your children. Surely, you can’t win? Understand that it is quite usual for you to feel lost and somewhat alone and you might like to consider professional coaching options. Thankfully, online coaching can help you focus on what is positive and what others in your position are doing and help you to prepare correctly for your life ahead. Continue reading Read More

Great Tips On Returning To Work As A New Mum

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Now that you have welcomed your new arrival into your arms, it’s time to think about getting back to work and resuming your career. Everything happened so quickly and it has been a whirlwind, so the fact that you have not thought much about your career and employer over this time is to be understood. The time to transition back to the real world is rapidly approaching and this can be quite a bumpy transition, to put it mildly. Continue reading Read More

Useful Suggestions On Finding Extra Time As A Working Mum

31st July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

We know that we have 24 hours in each day and that this should be plenty of time for us to complete everything that we have to do, with ample time to spare. The dawn of each day should bring a fresh outlook to all of us and we should feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle anything that life has in store. This is not always the case, though, as we always seem to be playing catch-up, even though we have the most honourable intentions in mind. When the sun has set and the hours are winding down, we often feel frustrated, as we have not had enough time to complete all those tasks. As a busy working mum, we certainly know about time constraints and wish we could find an extra hour, each day, somehow. Well, maybe we can: Continue reading Read More