Survival Food Storage.

14th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Food prices continue to grow these days. The risk of emergency is always high even though we hope this will never happen at our area. Most grocery stores keep only a three day supply and if an emergency happen they will very soon run out of food products. These reasons make home food storage programs very important. It is recommended that you have at least a 72 hour food and water supply for all your family members. Unfortunately, most people think that food storage is referred to storing grains in huge barrels. As they do not feel like doing this, they just do nothing and hope for the best. Continue reading Read More

Get Helpful Information About Methods And Ways To Store Food Inside This Post.

9th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you want to store your food properly and put some food aside for later, there are some things you have to consider. There are different food storage techniques for different kinds of food. So, depending on what kind of food you want to store, you will have to choose the right container for keeping your food fresh and protect it from going to waste. There are many different food storage containers, so getting the right one can be hard sometimes. So, you need to have an idea of what exactly you want to get from your food storage containers. But when you finally find the right food storage container, you will feel all the benefits of it. Continue reading Read More

Find Out More Information About Food Storage Inside This Blog.

5th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A good way to extend the life of your food is getting your food storage. For the uncertain times we live in and the rising food prices, food storage is a good investment. You will be able to extend the life of your food to the maximum, if you store your food properly and in the best possible conditions. Certain foods need different storing conditions. Some of them should be frozen and others can be stored at the room temperature. You can extend life of many food products is you freeze them. So, there are certain conditions you have to maintain in order to get the most of your food storage. Continue reading Read More

Eating Healthy And Nutritious Food

2nd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most people have dehydrated and freeze dried food in their emergency food storages. Do you think you will feel healthy if you have to eat this king of food for a long period of time? Such food do not have many vital nutrients. And even though we are used to the lack of them in our everyday life, it is important to have a proper diet if an emergency occurs. Dehydrated food is a great invention as it has a very long shelf life. This food should be present in your food storage, that is true. These products could easily last for many years. But they are not able to give you and your family something fresh and healthy. You are able to survive a long term emergency with dried foods. But if you want to remain healthy – you need something more than that. Continue reading Read More

Get Helpful Information About Food Storage Inside This Post.

1st February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Today many people try to prepare themselves to any possible emergencies. If a short term emergency occurs, you will have to survive three days before someone will be able to rescue your family. In the case of long term emergency you might have to survive on your own much longer. At the same time most American families usually have less than one week supply of food in their kitchens. Continue reading Read More

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