The Adverse Effects Of Using Tanning Beds While Pregnant

7th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In recent years, science has decided that a “healthy tan” is a good thing. But rather, it has been discovered that a tan is absolutely nothing but a skin damage. Extreme exposure to Ultra violet rays may also result in cancerous melanoma, one of the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Even though contemporary tanning products help shield the skin from sun damage, spending lots of time tanning still isn’t really advisable. This is correct regardless of whether you are pregnant or not and applies either to outdoor and indoor tanning. With that being said, will it be much more dangerous tanning during pregnancy than it is at any other time? Continue reading Read More

Seek Information Before Buying A Used Or New Tanning Beds

5th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Anyone who is likely to purchase their own tanning bed must take the time to do some research first. In fact, even if you are a regular tanner, how much do you actually know regarding the kinds of beds that are available on the market? And if you do not know all of the pros and cons about the various models, how are you going to know whether you are having a nice purchase for your cash? Whether you are considering investing in new or used tanning beds, you are still likely to want to make a listing of the features you are looking for as well as used and new price ranges. Once you have this details well in hand, you’ll be ready to begin buying a new tanning bed. Continue reading Read More