Give To Succeed

14th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Charity is the key element in most religions, especially the six major world religions. The Bible talks about charity numerous times in the New Testament and offerings even more often in the Old Testament. Islam’s sacred writing mentions the term charity throughout the Quran, especially in its first and longest Surah, The Cow. Though the word charity isn’t used in Hindu writings, the premise of giving and aiding others is prevalent within the Rig Veda, Thirukkural, Bhagawad Gita, and other writings. Concerning charity in Buddhism, H.H. The Dalai Lama has stated, “… from the time of Buddha until today all forms of Buddhism have been continuously trying to help people, whether in social groups or individually … The freedom and happiness of all living beings have always been the ultimate ideal and the working goal.” The sixth major world religion is Skihism, which carries a synthesized belief system from Islam and Hinduism. Continue reading Read More