Unlawful Erectile Enhancement Drugs And FDA Compliance

14th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There has been a warning released by the US Food and Drug Administration over concerns about a sexual enhancement drug sold on the internet. A list of products designed to increase sexual performance was released by the FDA in 2004 because their ingredients were a risk to human health. The makers of these drugs were breaching FDA compliance and federal law by failing to fully disclose all of the ingredients in the drugs. Continue reading Read More

Avoid Embarassment With Private Std Testing

22nd January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Becoming sexually responsible is important to be healthful and also protected. One of the major aspects of being sexually responsible along with making use of protection is to get screened for sexually transmitted problems. STD testing is important. All is requires is one sex encounter to become infected or to taint another person. Just because someone thinks they don’t have a single disease or aren’t showing any signs, there is still the potential of that person having a sexually transmitted disease. Continue reading Read More