A Handy Introduction To Buying Bathroom Body Fat Scales

18th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You get out of the shower and step gingerly on to your bathroom scale. Good news! You have actually lost a few pounds. However , you are missing an imperative piece of information. Bathroom body fat scales don’t only measure how much you weigh, but also what your current share of subcutaneous fat is. Here are some things to keep in mind when it comes to these multi-purpose scales. Continue reading Read More

Weight Disorders In Kids

16th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Weight turns out to be everyone’s main thing to be worried about nowadays. Whether it is a factory owner worried about the net weight of his product which uses modern Industrial scales to check for the losses, or a pharmacist using Electronic scales for monitoring the exact proportions; weight is everyone’s problem. Your body weight is another subject that is most talked about. Not only adults, but children in USA too are getting caught up by weight disorders. With the outbreak of the fast food culture and PS 2 obsession, there is no reasoning to why you might be concerned about your kid to be labeled as a “couch potato” by school bullies. Of course this is a major matter of concern. The total percentages of children in America who are overweight are nearly sixteen to thirty three percent. Obesity is termed as the “second leading cause of preventable death in America”. Continue reading Read More