San Jose Boot Camp Work Out Will Be Extremely Beneficial To Anyone’s Body

22nd September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many young people in our country are suffering from obesity. This is one of the reasons the San Jose Boot Camp was created. The camp has been in operation for ten years and still continues with the same goal, to offer a fitness program where young people can go to shed their pounds. The program was designed to give each participant encouragement and guidance, while each young person worked toward their specific goals. Continue reading Read More

San Jose Bootcamp Will Keep You [Healthier|Healthy}

4th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When young people visit San Jose Boot Camp, each one is asked to offer goals they have set for themselves. Then, with the assistance of the counselors, they are guided through the program to meet their goals. The program was established a decade ago to offer a fitness program that would be unlike any in the country. Continue reading Read More