Is Revitol An Efficient Stretch Marks Cure?

24th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Stretch marks can influence your self esteem and alter how others might see you. It is unfortunate and it isn’t really fair, but it is a fact of life that must be accepted.You might not care what total strangers think of you or your body, but most people do care what their spouse thinks. There may be a small group out there who are not bothered by any stretch marks their spouse may have. Stretch marks tend to appear during pregnancy and lactation, in teenage years, after excessive weight gain or as a symptom of the endocrine system disorders. In many cases, striae are caused by genetic predisposition. According to statistics data, 90% of pregnant women and 70% of teenage girls complain of stretch marks. Continue reading Read More

This Revitol Stretch Mark Cream Safe And Easy To Use

22nd October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’re one of these person which are looking for effective stretch mark prevention treatment, you must look for a good treatment that includes powerful ingredients that can strengthen the skin while at the same time improve collagen structure and able to increase the natural elasticity of the skin to resist future stretching. Continue reading Read More