Reiki Attunement — Follow Your Heart Not Your Wallet.

16th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The right way to get a reiki attunement? What is right? Basically if it feels right to you. It is a personal thing to get a reiki attunement or session. It is important to do your research, and even more important to use your intuition. The person who will be giving you the attunement is the point here. Continue reading Read More

Reiki Attunement — It Assist You To Feel Balanced And More Alive.

14th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Reiki attunement? What is it? It is about getting connected with the life force source energy of creation. Continue reading Read More

Reiki Attunement — Just Take A Deep Breath And Walk Into It, Take That First Step Into The Great Mystery.

3rd February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Can a reiki attunement really change everything in your life? It is the point to start a spiritual journey, one that has the power to transform everything. Continue reading Read More

Reiki Attunement — How Can It Be Explained?

1st February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

What in the world is a reiki attunement? To begin with: “attunement” is not a word. It is not in the dictionary. I could not find it. Reiki is a type of healing energy that comes from the invisible power of the universe. It too can not be measured by conventional laboratory instruments. This means it too does not exist in the eyes of science. Continue reading Read More