Is Vasectomy A Safe Option For You When You Decide Not To Have Children Anymore?

12th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are a lot of men who decide to get a vasectomy for any number of reasons. Some of the most common reasons why men decide to get vasectomies are either they do not want children or that they have enough children already. You would still need the services of a good urologist who is trained to do that if you want a vasectomy. They specialize in dealing with the male reproductive system. Knowing how to make the process easy, they know how to make men understand it despite the tons of questions and concerns about the process. Contrary to popular belief a vasectomy is actually a very safe procedure to get. Continue reading Read More

Prostate Cancer: A Serious Condition That Must Be Diagnosed Early And Addressed The Soonest Time Possible

28th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Prostate cancer is a very serious condition that will need to be diagnosed and treated early if you can catch it in time and ultimately eliminate. Many men do not know they are at risk for prostate cancer, and they often do not start getting treated until they are seriously at risk. A man would be seriously at risk for prostate cancer by the time you reach age 35 and especially after age 40. It is imperative you start getting regular tests done on your prostate once you reach a certain stage in life. A urologist is the person you need who can perform the treatment you need. When it comes to these types of examinations, Ralph Highshaw is very well-versed. Continue reading Read More