Heal Your Hair Loss Condition Naturally

11th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It isn’t so much that most of us have a gene that triggers baldness and hair loss, but that our hormones change as we grow older, and this then causes the hair loss and baldness to arise. This hormone change may be genetically brought on, but you don’t have a gene that says,” right, time to cause baldness, let’s get rid of this hair”. However, premature hair loss does tend to be genetically brought on. Continue reading Read More

What is the remedy for hair loss?

27th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from hair loss. Fortunately, there can be found hair fall treatment. Herbal and homeopathic treatments can stimulate and encourage hair growth, as well as support good blood circulation, hormonal balance and correct thyroid functioning. If you are predisposed to seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, or dandruff, you could consider using jojoba oil. Mexicans and southwestern Native American nations have used jojoba oil traditionally for centuries to promote hair growth and the control of dandruff. Jojoba oil is great for hypoallergenic skin because it is a great moisturizer and mimics the scalp’s own sebum. Aloe Vera has also been used by Native Americans, Indians and many in the Caribbean to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Aloe’s can help the scalp by healing it and balancing the pH level of the scalp while cleansing the pores. A common preparation of Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is used as a shampoo and has traditionally shown great benefit. Cleansing should be a major part of your regimen to maintain and grow hair. Many scalp related diseases are directly the result of toxemia, while toxins in the body adversely affecting the body’s systems indirectly affect other conditions. Cleansing can be performed through oral means regularly and occasionally by enema or colonic irrigation. Continue reading Read More

Which One Is The Most Efficient Hair Loss Treatment?

24th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many times of hair loss in women appear as a consequence of pregnancy and menopause in women. Hair problems may be temporary or perpetual. These also range in their severity. Abnormal loss of hair can be produced by many varying reasons, but about 50 percent of the population experience standard loss of hair by the time they reach 50. Continue reading Read More