Heal Your Hair Loss Condition Naturally

11th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It isn’t so much that most of us have a gene that triggers baldness and hair loss, but that our hormones change as we grow older, and this then causes the hair loss and baldness to arise. This hormone change may be genetically brought on, but you don’t have a gene that says,” right, time to cause baldness, let’s get rid of this hair”. However, premature hair loss does tend to be genetically brought on. Continue reading Read More

Learn All About The Most Efficient Hair Loss Treatment

16th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Hair loss is a typical concern from which many people suffer. A person of any age can encounter intense hair loss at any stage of his/her life. While hair loss is normally related with the natural process of getting older, this need not be a justification always. There are many reasons behind hair loss at young age. Many a times you don’t go for proper hair care that normally leads to brittle and lifeless hair which further breaks. Using excess chemicals and treating hair with heating appliances can be among the many reasons behind female hair loss or male hair loss. Causes of hair loss are many, let’s have a look at the typical ones. Continue reading Read More

Effective tips for treating hair loss

6th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lately, hair falling out has proven to be a highly controversial issue.Baldness can be experienced nowadays by both men and women and even though science seems to have developed a lot in the last decade, remedies for women hair thinning are not that many as we would like.Specialists say we typically lose in a day up to 100 hairs.Of course the hair regenerates continuously and this is why we don’t get to be bold in one month of losing hair daily. The reason why women lose so much hair is mostly due to hormonal imbalances that occur during pregnancy and afterwards, if taking certain birth control pills, and during menopause. Genetics can play an important part into hair fall too. Almost all the people lose hair either gradually or suddenly, but the fundamental causes vary from individual to individual. Scientific evidence is increasingly suggesting that excess estrogen is the root cause for hair thinning and ways are to be devised to maintain estrogen at adequate levels. Everybody has an opinion on hair thinning, and nearly everybody has heard of a supposed cure for hair thinning. The bad truth is that there are no miracle cures, and there is very little that you can do to avoid hair thinning if you are a candidate for male (or female) pattern baldness. Continue reading Read More

How to get rid of hair falling

3rd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Hair fall is a problem that concerns both women and men nowadays.Some people take their baldness as a sign of charisma and some feel something lacking in body image and self concept particularly by cancer patients where the radiation therapy makes it ugly and irreversible. Both men and women alike use an array of hair products to enhance the beauty of their hair. These hair products comprise shampoos, conditioners, hair styling gels, hair sprays, dyes, mousse and a myriad other products. Although these products guarantee to make the hair look attractive, which they do, they also cause damage to the hair strands and hair root leading to the loss of hair. Falling of hair is natural and is common to everyone. Hair tend to fall after gaining full length and new ones grow. But excessive hair-loss is a real problem.It is natural for hair to stop growing after a certain period. Depending on the conditions of an individual, the lower part of, the hair gland gets withers or dries up, the old strand of hair is severed from the pore. This process of severance from the pores is known as falling of hair but the fallen hair is replaced by the growth of new hair.Often the hair grows by one centimeter in a month. The falling of up to 100 hairs in a day is considered normal because the head can grow this much of hair again. Often, there is a cycle according to which every strand of hair falls within 3-4 years and new growth takes place. Physicians frequently prescribe iron capsules and vitamin tablets to check the falling of hair but it does not seem to be necessary. Continue reading Read More

What is the remedy for hair loss?

27th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nowadays, more and more people are suffering from hair loss. Fortunately, there can be found hair fall treatment. Herbal and homeopathic treatments can stimulate and encourage hair growth, as well as support good blood circulation, hormonal balance and correct thyroid functioning. If you are predisposed to seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, or dandruff, you could consider using jojoba oil. Mexicans and southwestern Native American nations have used jojoba oil traditionally for centuries to promote hair growth and the control of dandruff. Jojoba oil is great for hypoallergenic skin because it is a great moisturizer and mimics the scalp’s own sebum. Aloe Vera has also been used by Native Americans, Indians and many in the Caribbean to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss. Aloe’s can help the scalp by healing it and balancing the pH level of the scalp while cleansing the pores. A common preparation of Aloe Vera gel with a small amount of wheat germ oil and coconut milk is used as a shampoo and has traditionally shown great benefit. Cleansing should be a major part of your regimen to maintain and grow hair. Many scalp related diseases are directly the result of toxemia, while toxins in the body adversely affecting the body’s systems indirectly affect other conditions. Cleansing can be performed through oral means regularly and occasionally by enema or colonic irrigation. Continue reading Read More

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