Building Valuable ProfessionalRelationships in Translation

11th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I first discovered the secrets of getting along with people of different nationalities during my job with a Portland Translation Company. I also learned that no matter what type of assignment I was given, whether it be a letter or a complete manual, that the most important attribute in providing quality interpreting services is having an excellent ability to get along with the clients and other translators. Whether translating marketing communication literature for a local service company, a website for a Fortune 500 company or a textbook for a major publisher, there is a great deal of importance in building a lasting relationship with your clients and co-workers. Continue reading Read More

Applying Psychological Language Translator Strengths

1st April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As a young interpreter working in a Portland Translation company, I learned that I had strengths like no other in developing quality relationships with other people. I can still remember people admiring what seemed to be my natural abilities to get along with other people. It was then that I discovered that the most important quality of a translator or interpreter is the ability to get along with a variety of personalities. Regardless of the type of project that I was assigned, whether it is a set of human resources manuals or a brochure of a Houston manufacturing company or even a contract for a real estate company in San Antonio, the importance of building connections is critical. Continue reading Read More