5 Exceptional Styles of Emergency Water Filters

30th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lots of people do not even know there’s one kind of emergency water treatment system, much less several choices, but when a disaster occurs, or you find yourself in a situation without any clean water, it’s good information to have. Water is the most vital compound in all of our lives, and being prepared often means the difference between life and death. Since a large proportion of bottled water is just a questionable grade of tap water, it’s much better to be able to filter your own should the need happen. Having one of the following devices on hand in the event of an urgent situation might just be your best bet: Continue reading Read More

Advanced DE Filters work well for Portable Water Filtration Devices

21st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Yearly in the United States, FEMA reports hundreds of disaster regions caused by floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, along with other natural phenomenon. In 2010 through September 15, there were 67 declarations of disaster made. At that point, government financial aid programs start working to help those who suffering from the disaster rebuild their own lives. It could take weeks, and even years, before the people receive almost everything they require, however, there is 1 immediate need that must definitely be attended to. In the course of disasters, water service is often interrupted leaving people without having clean, fresh water. By use of high-tech portable water purification systems, however, gallons of water can be purified immediately. Continue reading Read More