Learning The Factors That Affect A Pharmacy Technician Salary

17th October, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Considering the demand for professionals, there is no surprise why there are a lot of people that choose to become pharmacy technicians. The pay after all is, good and it’s in fact a very rewarding job for many people. Of course there are still those that choose to receive a higher Pharmacy Technician Salary than the typical ten to eighteen dollars an hour. If you’re one of these people, taking time to learn the various factors that affect how much a pharmacy technician gets paid can help you get the bigger paycheck. Factor number one is if you’re a certified or licensed pharmacy technician. Undergoing continuing education, taking and passing the PTCB Exam can help increase your marketability and with it, your salary. This certification is a great way to ensure you will have more job offers after completion of training. Continue reading Read More

Pharmacy Technician Salary, Job Outlook And More

23rd June, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Do you aspire to work as a pharmacy technician? You can look forward to a positive job outlook as this field of work is closely related to the healthcare industry which is considered recession proof. For this reason, if you want a stable job, this is a good option to consider. It also offers a competitive compensation package with the 2010 median Pharmacy Technician Salary at $28,400 per year or $13.65 per hour. Pharmacy techs who work in hospitals typically receive higher pay. Similar to other occupations, the pay is dependent on various factors such as state or location, qualifications, and experience, among others. You will better appreciate once you start looking for Pharmacy Technician Jobs. You will usually find that you can negotiate your pay depending on your qualifications or years of experience. You will benefit from being aware of this when deciding which company to apply to or preparing for an interview. Continue reading Read More

Make Fitness The Major Need Of Your Life

16th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Health concerns most of the people look at wellness issues in an ad-hoc demeanour. They only address health issues one at a time. If you have high cholesterol, for instance, you could try and do something about that by refining your diet or taking anti-cholesterol medicine. If you have small endurance or are chunky, you may want to run a touch more as a method to lose a little weight and get in shape. If God forbid you’ve got an acute health problem of the likes of say cancer, you’ll need to go see a doctor to examine it. Health worries, to paraphrase, are handled one after the other as they come up. I’ve always been a fan of taking a more holistic look at health. As a dietitian and exercise fanatic, I know plenty about preventive care for health problems. Surely helping me here to gather all the information that I might need is the internet. It has surely helped me out tremendously. Not only is it a mine of beneficial health related information but at the same time you can even find on it information on any kind of medical emergency like say looking up for medicine store. This would surely help you towards making your life easy and allow you to deal with your medical emergencies with ease. Staying healthy is one of the most vital things you can do. Continue reading Read More