Personal Goals

28th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Most teenagers go through the confusion of their youth years when they do not know which road to take in life. Well, there are plenty of individuals, even in mature adulthood, whohave been having the same problem. A human being needs to constantly create and define himself/herself in relation to others, the environment and the universe, which is why we so desperately need personal goals. Have you ever thought that perhaps your life is missing one big picture? That you have not created some personal goals the fulfillment of which would actually boost up self-confidence and satisfaction? Don’t let fear, criticism or negative attitudes set you back, action is the best solution! Continue reading Read More

Professional Goals

27th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Here comes a new year with new opportunities for everyone to assert themselves in any field of activity and in any area of life. 2009 doesn’t bring too high expectations given the context of the international financial crisis. Yet, people won’t stop setting personal and professional goals because of the recession, on the contrary, this is the right moment to think positive and work hard to reach our aims. Continue reading Read More

Conditioning Your Mind

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Wouldn’t it be great if we can see our path towards our personal lifetime goals as a straight line, with no obstacles in between? Unfortunately, in the real world, that is hardly the case. Continue reading Read More

Take Action To Achieve Your Goals Now

26th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You have a dream. Maybe you want to scale Mt Everest, move to another country to earn money for your future, start your own business or even go back into the working world after spending a few years taking care of the kids. Continue reading Read More