Define Pesonal Development…Hmmm? What Is The Best Way To Define Personal Development?

28th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Would you define personal development like Wikipedia does “a process of individual self-development and the development of others. For a person this can mean what your plans, goals, and dreams are and the action you are taking to get there: Continue reading Read More

The Making Of A Mental Blackbelt

5th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many times during my coaching in the karate skills, the hardest thing for me was the ability to get all my students to the level of Black Belt. I mean, the majority join martial arts with the goal to become, or at the very least, straight after joining they decide they need to become a Black Belt. But, I started to see a real pattern emerge the more that I kept track of students that were falling from the class. The pattern revealed itself to me clearly as I watched life outside of the Martial Art college defeating them. Because life was side tracking them outside the school , they weren’t completing the course within the college. Continue reading Read More