Want To Know How To Deal With Anxiety?

12th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Use these 5 powerful tips to learn how to overcome panic attacks immediately. Continue reading Read More

How To Overcome Panic Attacks: Psychological Considerations Of Crisis

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many experts and researchers describe the panic attacks and panic disorders as a (very real) trap in two fundamental key areas. To overcome panic attacks requires effort, strength and commitment. The first trap is related to that person who, suffering a crisis, believes that whatever he is doing is unsafe (ie, he will get a heart attack, he will faint, he will lose the reason, he will lose the control) when, in reality, a panic attack does not create any danger in any way to him. Secondly, those affected by a panic attack will fall into the trap of carrying out anything that they consider will help them to stay away from crisis when what they really do is to get worse their situation on how to overcome panic attacks. Such actions comprse behaviors of evasion, as well as trying to control/overcome panic attacks, fight them, fall into superstitions and rituals to stay away from panic attacks and reach self-protection. That is, what is done to deal with panic attacks finishes up locking them in, in most cases (Carbonell, 2004). Continue reading Read More

Free Yourself From Anxieties With These Simple Tips

7th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Constant bouts of fears and worries are probably things that you cannot get away from. Thoughts distracting you from being productive may attack you, which you cannot escape. It can be panic attacks or anxiety. Continue reading Read More

Panic Away – The Fear of Flying

13th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Many struggle with getting into an airplane. My girlfriend was paralyzed with fear when she knew she had to go on a flight across the country with her husband and 3 children. She didn’t tell her family this, only me. What was her biggest fear? … FEAR! Panic Away could help her with this. Continue reading Read More

A Natural And Effective Way To Handle Panic Attacks

7th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you suffer from panic attacks and have tried psychiatric help, medication, or other self help techniques to take the feeling of panic away with no success, PanicAway might be what you have been looking for. PanicAway was developed by Barry Joe McDonagh who himself was at one time a victim of anxiety attacks. After developing a mental technique for mastering anxiety and the effect it has on the brain, Barry now offers a guide to show others how to experience the same freedom. Continue reading Read More

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