Which Types Of Ovary Cysts Cause Ovary Pain And Discomfort?

15th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

An ovary cyst is mostly basically a small sac that appears on an ovary. Normally, this sac fills up with nonhazardous fluid. It looks like an air bubble when seen with an ultrascan. This article is intended to answer several of the basic questions you may well have on the subject of ovarian cysts: what is an ovarian cyst, how dangerous is a cyst on the ovary, what is a ruptured an ovary cyst, and what are the types of cysts on the ovary. Continue reading Read More

Ruptured Ovarian Cyst – Painful Condition

27th February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In some cases, an ovarian cyst can rupture, especially when the cyst is not found early on. It is called a ruptured ovarian cyst. Continue reading Read More