Revitol Stretch Works For Both Men And Women

10th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Unsightly stretch marks affect nearly everyone who has been pregnant, lost significant weight or had a fast growth spurt. It’s not just women who have problems either. Grown men, as well children and teenagers have problems as well. Scars occur when a rapid increase of skin growth takes place, such as during pregnancy, puberty, or even among body builders. Striae appear when skin is stretched to the point of breaking down, like when elastic seems to lose its strength. They are at first purplish in color, because of to the layers of skin separating, and then become a white or shiny color, because of to collagen reformation and loss of pigmentation in that certain area. They occur in the middle layer of the skin, the skin. It is difficult to eliminate stretch marks for the reason that not many treatments get past the first layer of skin, the epidermis. Continue reading Read More

Order Revitol Stretch Mark Cream

31st August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Striae are most absolutely a thing hard to be averted, but they’re not not possible to reduce, with pregnancy cream. When using the numerous decrease applications piled up in department retailers and store you have to select the best selection in obtaining the ideal results. Continue reading Read More