Start Some New Habits – Heal Your Broken Heart

3rd August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

To start a new habit only takes 3 weeks and bad ones can also be broken in 3 weeks. If you are still mooning over your ex and obsessing over every little thing that went wrong – STOP right now!!! Although it’s quite natural to feel hurt for a long time after a losing someone we love, we have to get up and begin to live again. So get out of those ugly sweatpants and put away the junk food, it’s time to start some new habits and try something new to mend your broken heart! Continue reading Read More

Dealing with a Broken Heart Due to a Break Up

23rd July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Anyway you look at it, dealing with break up pain and a heart break is not going to be simple. Many people believe that they will be able to deal with their broken heart after a painful break up, only to discover that they are still carrying a torch for their partner. It is very similar to grieving, like their partner has passed away. When it comes to dealing with a broken intimate relationship, it is important that you look past the pain and find a way to survive even when things seem impossible for the time being. Continue reading Read More