Ten Home Remedies that will Stop Attacks of Acid Reflux

22nd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Although you notice over-the-counter and doctor prescribed heartburn solutions touted in Television advertisements every single day, a lot of people have found that the best treatments for acid reflux are things that you may currently have on hand. Those who utilized antacids for years now claim that simple ingredients and diet changes have healed their acid reflux problems. If you are one of many people who experience occasional bouts of heartburn yet can’t stand pumping chemical compounds and drugs straight into your body, then perhaps one of these home remedies could be the solution for you. Continue reading Read More

The Five Kinds of Drugs for Acid Reflux

31st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s time you start educating yourself concerning the various medications that could ease your pain when you’re experiencing an attack of acid reflux. Even though the problem commonly isn’t critical, it is still quite painful and can go on for a few moments. What you should know is which medications will provide you with immediate relief from the discomfort and if they’ll likewise effectively assuage the conditions within your body that gave you the problem to begin with. With so many over-the-counter medications on the market, how can you determine what is going to work fastest and most effectively for you. Continue reading Read More