Matrix 7 — Was For Me An Incredible Experience!

14th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

I had an unusual experience with Matrix 7! Unreal, is all I can say! The attunement was intense and strange. Continue reading Read More

Matrix Energetics — And Matrix 7: Just Become Quiet And Listen, God Is Always Talking To You.

12th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you think Matrix 7, and Matrix Energetics are the same, they are not. If you are wondering if Matrix 7 and Matrix Energetics are the same, they are not. Indeed, there is one similarity: both systems play with morphic fields. Unlike Matrix Energetics, Matrix 7 focuses on just one particular one, the one that connects you to the source of all that IS. Continue reading Read More

Matrix Energetics — If You Want To Be Connected To One Of The Most Powerful Morphic Fields Around Matrix 7 Will Do It For You.

10th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Matrix 7 is similar to Matrix Energetics in terms of using morphic fields, but they are different. Morphic fields are being written about a lot these days. Gregg Baraden has written a book called the Divine Matrix. This is one very powerful morphic field and Matrix 7 does a great job at connecting you to it. Continue reading Read More