A Heart Crushed With the Weight of a Child

7th April, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

After 9 months of pregnancy, a happily married couple in Florida waits for the birth of their first baby. The attending surgeon and the Tampa Bay midwife do an excellent job. everything turns out alright and the child is born without complications. Everyone accepts the behavior of the “new mommy” to her husband and to her child until signs of depression masked with bad temper set in. Misunderstandings happen and harsh arguments follow in the ensuing weeks. What has happened to the sweet woman in a seemingly normal event such as childbirth to make her husband misunderstand? The lady has developed Postpartum Depression, a psychological condition that has become the subject of medical gatherings all over the U.S. like the one in Florida known as “maternity care Tampa Bay”. Continue reading Read More