Did You Know That There Are Low Carb Desserts?

29th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Sugar is one of the foods that people always crave! In fact, we all seem to be biologically predestined to crave it. Sugar was in short supply during prehistoric times, so anytime people came across fruits containing sugar, they gobbled them up like manna from heaven. It is different these days, though. Because of the ready and steady supply of sweets, cakes and the like, we have all the sugar we need. TOO MUCH, actually. Avoiding sugar is now next to impossible. Continue reading Read More

Delicious Low Carb Desserts For You

26th February, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Low carb does not have to taste awful. What’s made it so hard for me to stay on a diet and lose weight is my sweet tooth. I love chocolates, I adore cakes, and I never pass up on desserts! But you could enjoy all those sweets and STILL lose weight and stay healthy. There are a lot of sweet and yummy desserts in low carb diets. As a matter of fact, the selection is so vast that it would take you a long time to get through all of them! Continue reading Read More