Make Cereals Count With Low Carb

6th June, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

How many times have you been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet you cannot be bothered to go look hard for it when all you want to do after waking up is to eat something? You want something filling right here, right now. Low carb dieters would naturally want eggs, but they can get old pretty quickly. But they could take a while to prepare, a fact that is discouraging especially to those of us who are pressed for time in the mornings. That is the reason cereal has become almost a staple in every breakfast meal. Continue reading Read More

Here Comes The Low Carb Breakfast Cereal

3rd June, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It never ceases to amaze me when I look at the types of food being sold these days in stores. The large number of diets that are making the rounds gives the impression that dieting is so easy and that anyone can do it. The low carb diet is one of them, and it is most demonstrated n the Atkins Diet. Even chocolate bars and low carb cereal have been formulated with these diets in mind! Continue reading Read More

The Low Carb Pizza

19th April, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For as long as we can remember, the pizza we all know and love has been around for ages. Many low carb dieters say that it’s the one thing they end up craving on a low carb diet. I don’t know what it is about pizzas that has such an addictive effect on people. Perhaps it has something to do with all that grated cheese and tomato sauce. It works, though, whatever it is. A low-carb pizza then, is proving to be the answer to that ‘problem.’ Continue reading Read More

Here Comes The Low Carb Breakfast Cereal

27th March, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The food items now stocking the shelves in stores and supermarkets these days are nothing short of amazing. With so many diets around, it makes dieting almost easy. Take for example, the low carb diet, which is typically exemplified by the Atkins diet. Aside from some chocolates especially formulated to be accommodated by these diets, there are even low carb breakfast cereal around! Continue reading Read More

Make Cereals Count With Low Carb

21st March, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day; that much is true, but if you wake up from a good night’s sleep, all you want is to eat something – anything – and you don’t really want to put too much effort into searching for it. You want something filling right here, right now. Eggs are a great low carb option, but they tend to get old quite quickly. They also are bothersome to make in the mornings, especially when most of us barely have time to grab our much needed coffee. That is the reason cereal has become almost a staple in every breakfast meal. Continue reading Read More

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