SAD Light Therapy – An Extremely Powerful Solution To Treat SAD Using The Sunlight

1st February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In ancient times, light or particularly sun light combined with medicinal herbs was used to treat different skin diseases. This practice was popular in countries like India and China. As time passed by, humans realized the uncountable advantages of sun light and therefore, light therapy or photo-therapy was born. Continue reading Read More

Use A Light Box To Fight Winter Sadness

26th January, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

In the winter months solar beams weaken. The days shorten. Frequently the sky is cloudier, too. These short, grey, days can have a harmful effect on our physical and mental health. It’s a time when many people have sorrowful and the winter blues. Light treatment can be the answer. Continue reading Read More

Light Products for Helping SAD

27th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Lots of folk have been informed about light therapy for depression, the question is however how effective is it actually in curing out Seasonal Affective Disorder, a condition having an effect on people living in nations where winter days are much shorter? The rudeness and sour cold of a cold winter plus the lack of daylight hours can bring about such a disorder, leaving someone feeling depressed and fully de-motivated to get out of bed and do what needs to be done for the day. Such a condition is affecting a serious quantity of people, winter after winter, and therefore the need has come up for a novel therapy that will prevent miserable from happening. And so the concept of light therapy boxes, or a sad therapy lamp, was introduced. Continue reading Read More

Light Therapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder

10th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are countless millions of people who have season affective disorder depression, sometimes called doleful. If you have problems awakening, feels depressed, and have absence of energy, you will suffer with SAD. This customarily occurs when the seasons change and is at full peak in the winter. There are some of the people who choose to stay at home and not go out in the winter months and this can lead to depression, but do not fret, thousands have tried light treatment for depression and has been clinically proven to help. Light therapy is just like being exposed to light by utilizing different devices. Using this sort of treatment just 15 mins a day can help with those winter blues. The national Sleep Foundation has an official light therapy product which has helped many individuals, with this light, you can help your mood and get more energy by simply using it in as little as 15-45 mins a day. This is not a lamp that you’ve got to sit by to get results, you can do other activities while this is on. Continue reading Read More