A Deadly Disease That Happent To Be Living In Your Water Supply

30th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Legionnaires’ disease, the worst kind of Legionellosis, is a kind of pneumonia that is caused by aspiration or inhalation of bacteria that are part of the family Legionellaceae. This family includes forty eight species and seventy serogroups. Legionellosis is most commonly linked to exposure to Legionella pneumophila, still, various species might cause this disease too. The name Legionella pneumophila happened to be made up following the original breakout of the disease at a huge convention in Philadelphia, PA in 1976. L. pneumophila has a ton of smaller groups called serotypes. L. pneumophila serotype 6 & 1 are normally associated with Legionnaires disease. Continue reading Read More