Steps on fighting Toenail Fungus

9th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The term Onychomycosis might be an unfamiliar word but as much as 10% of the world is suffering from this affliction. Onychomycosis is simply the medical term used to describe toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a known condition that infects the keratin found on the human nails. Infected nails then become either brown or yellow in color. A number of years ago, the treatment of toenail fungus was notoriously hard to achieve. Fortunately with the use of Long Island pinpoint laser treatment methods, this process is no longer difficult. Long Island toenail fungus laser treatment is widely accepted and used amongst physicians; it is appreciated because of its pain free and highly effective results. However, the laser toenail fungus treatment is only employed when an infection has occurred. People are therefore encouraged to prevent these infections from occurring in the first place.Some of the ways by which foot infections can be prevented includeso Avoid wearing humid or sweaty shoes or socks: In order for the pathogen to develop, the environment has to be warm or moist. Wearing dry shoes and socks will prevent this. People who exercise regularly is encouraged to take off their foot apparel immediately after they are done.o Use foot powder: A little foot powder will go a long way in keeping the feet and toes free of moisture. The actions of the powder absorb most of the sweat that occurs on the feet. Continue reading Read More

A Pedicure Helps You Kickoff The Summer Season

15th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

After months of keeping your feet under wraps and neglecting them because they were not visible, it is going to take some effort to get them summer ready. If you plan to wear sandals during the warmer months or on the beach wearing no shoes, your feet needs to look soft and smooth. This is not just a matter of vanity either. Dry, cracked skin can be dangerous and it is more likely you will expose your skin to an infection. Soft skin also feels better. Most people have a tendency to walk more during the summer months and dry, sore feet make walking difficult. Sometimes it is not enough just keeping your feet looking good, you may have more serious foot health issues. To fix ongoing problems, visit a Long Island nail fungus center or commit to having laser toenail fungus treatment. This will help you get your tootsies in tip top shape for the coming months. Continue reading Read More