An Easy Kidney Test Can Prevent Serious Kidney Conditions

3rd November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you’ve been experiencing unusual back pain or soreness lately, and you can’t identify the source as nerve or muscle damage, you might want to ask your health care provider about getting kidney function tests.|If you’ve been troubled lately by unidentified pain and soreness in your back, consider talking to your health care provider about getting tested for kidney problems|If you’ve had unidentified, nagging back pain lately, and it doesn’t seem to be a muscle or spinal problem, consider asking your health care provider about kidney tests.|Have you been experiencing soreness or pain in your lower back lately, and it doesn’t seem to be a muscle or nerve problem? If so, it may be time to ask your health care provider about being tested for kidney problems.|Anyone who has had recent pain or soreness in the lower back that doesn’t seem to be muscular or spinal in nature should ask their medical professional about getting tested for possible kidney problems.} Continue reading Read More

Removing a Kidney: What Is A Nephrectomy Operation?

31st October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When part or all of a kidney is removed in surgery, the procedure is called a nephrectomy. It may also be referred to as nephrectomy surgery. Nephrectomy surgery becomes necessary when a kidney stops functioning because it is irreparably diseased or damaged. Continue reading Read More

Lower Back Pain Can Be A Sign Of A Kidney Illness

11th October, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There can be dozens of possible causes of back pain. Most people assume their back pain is being caused by nerve damage or a spinal injury. Sometimes, there can also be a problem with the muscles, ligaments and tendons of the back. Such is not always the case, however. Continue reading Read More

Removing a Kidney: Explaining the Nephrectomy

15th September, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The word “nephrectomy” is a word that also means a surgical operation for removing a kidney or a part of a kidney. This type of procedure is also referred to as nephrectomy surgery. When the kidney becomes irreparably diseased or damaged and can no longer function properly, it may be necessary to remove all or part of it through nephrectomy surgery. Continue reading Read More

Study Finds A Kidney Problem And Even Kidney Failure May Result From Certain Skin Lightening Products

25th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A possibly-fatal kidney problem or other organ damage may result from using certain imported skin lightening products, according to a recent investigation published in the Chicago Tribune newspaper. Continue reading Read More