Can Coffee Make You Live Longer?

4th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

A study has shown that regular and long-term consumption of coffee, caffeinated or decaffeinated, will not shorten lifespan. In fact researchers have instead found that drinking coffee is beneficial for the heart, particularly women’s heart, that’s according to Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia—the lead researcher and assistant professor at the Autonoma University in Spain. Don’t you think you should start searching for that ultimate coffee machine in the haystack of Coffee Makers in the market already? Continue reading Read More

What To Look For In Your Coffee Maker?

2nd December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When buying a coffee maker, you have to ask yourself first what things you are expecting from it and what it can do for you. Do you want a machine an all-in-one machine that can give you any coffee drinks at the same time or you want a machine designed to prepare a specific drink? Coffee Makers market could overwhelm you with its varying selections and so you need to know the basic and important components so you won’t have a hard time picking. Continue reading Read More