Troubled By Unwanted Hair

21st February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Men and women alike regularly face concerns over facial or body hair. While depilatories, shaving, waxing, and electrolysis are common solutions for hair removal, many people complain that the accompanying discomfort and time consuming nature of many of these treatments are too high a price to pay for temporarily smooth skin. It is really convenient to make use of lasers especially when it comes to removing unwanted hair. In the United States alone, the previous year brought about half a million laser treatments. There are more people who are becoming interested in this procedure nowadays. Normally, this is a process that involves the usage of a low energy laser. Continue reading Read More

Substitute Plucking And Waxing For Permanent Hair Removal

21st February, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It is a must that people with too much hair in unwanted areas undergo permanent hair removal. Waxing or electrolysis brings about too much pain and inconvenience as well. The good thing about lasers is that it can definitely remove the hair 100%. As for waxing, hairs grow after a month. Electrolysis eliminates hair permanently but it can leave ugly scars on your skin after. Continue reading Read More