Intuitive Coach Lesson – How Different Behaviors Can Work Together

31st March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

When two folks begin a relationship they rapidly notice that the behavior of their partner is distinct to their own. This regularly causes friction and arguments, despite the fact that both are convinced that their behavior was the much more proper. This raises the question as to whose behavior truly is proper and whose is not. The truth is, this distinction is among the fundamental advantages of team work. Continue reading Read More

A Lesson From An Intuitive Coach – Think Clearly Rather Than Like A Pavlog Dog

29th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Due to the fact I’m an intuitive coach, I study human psychology with wonderful interest. 1 of my favorite case studies is Ivan Pavlov and Pavlov’s dogs. Continue reading Read More

Intuitive Coach Insight: Compromise Yourself By Compensating For Errors

20th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

As an intuitive coach, I’ve discussed the subject of compensating for faults plenty of times with my clients. In fact, intuitive coaching takes into consideration not just your spiritual self, but the material world in which we live. Our material world limits us inside the physical, and from this limitation, we struggle with negative attitudes and beliefs, too as our own actions. Continue reading Read More

Intuitive Coach Insights: Dealing With Negative People

19th March, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Dealing with negative people is a big challenge in our everyday lives, and we tend to become personally engaged when people in our lives are difficult or even unhappy. This is where intuitive coaching can really help. As an intuitive coach, I tell my clients that it is important to be dispassionate when dealing with difficult people, and not take their anger or unhappiness upon yourself by feeling responsible or by defending yourself. Continue reading Read More

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