Hormone Headache

6th May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Headaches which are brought about by hormones are referred to as hormonal headaches. This kind of a headache however is only applicable for women. The endocrine glands will be distributing these hormones. Estrogen levels of a woman will be fluctuating in the reproducing times and therefore will cause for these kinds of hormonal headaches. Continue reading Read More

Hormonal Headache

16th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Headaches which are brought about by hormones are referred to as hormonal headaches. This type of headache however is only applicable for women. The endocrine glands will be distributing these hormones. At the time of reproducing a woman might experience fluctuations in her estrogen levels and this could bring about hormonal headaches. Continue reading Read More