In This Article We’re Going To Be Checking Out Herpes Cure Guide

26th October, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

For those people that do not have herpes, they can’t even imagine what it is like for those who do. One woman discovered an approach to actually eliminate this condition and she reveals this information in a program she produced referred to as the Herpes Cure Guide. Continue reading Read More

Oral Herpes- Myths And Facts

9th April, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is a ton of good and not so good information being written about Oral Herpes also known as Cold Sores,Fever Blisters and even the kissing disease.Plenty of what you’ve read is probably accurate some not so much. So what’s the actual story? Continue reading Read More

Taking Acyclovir to Handle the Cold Sore Virus

7th February, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you suffer from the virus that causes cold sores as well as other viral conditions, your doctor may have recommended a prescription medication to treat it. Although there’s no medication available at the present time that will cure any form of herpes, the virus that causes cold sores, you can stop the growth of the infection and keep it from spreading throughout your body by taking Acyclovir. Other common forms of the herpes pathogen include genital herpes, chicken pox,and shingles. Continue reading Read More