A Quick Look At Preceptorship In Nursing

12th November, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Becoming a BSN Nurse isn’t only a means of making more money than you currently make. It’s also a path to finding fulfillment in the workplace for men. BSNs have an incredible impact in the lives of the patients that they help. And allow the doctors that they work with to complete the work secure with the knowledge that the patients are being well-cared for; even when the doctors themselves can’t be around. A qualified nurse is a highly paid professional whose role in the health care sector is very important. Continue reading Read More

How To Become A Nurse

3rd September, 2013 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nursing today is challenged more than ever before to provide personal, high quality, cost-effective nursing care. This requires that individual nurses accept ever-increasing responsibility for continued personal and professional growth. At the same time, nursing administrators and educators must seek new and innovative ways to develop nursing talent within their institutions. Preceptorship provides one method of assisting current nursing professionals to develop future nursing leaders. A professional nurse is a well compensated professional with a major role in the health care industry. Continue reading Read More