All You Have To Understand Regarding The Best Hair Loss Treatment Method For Men

1st December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There are lots of reasons of man hair loss, and they do differ in men and women. This posting will deal with the frequent ones. Research show that losing up to 100-150 hairs per day is ordinary. Human hair normally grows in three phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the active or growing phase. Catagen is a fairly brief phase of the natural hair cycle during which hairs begin to break down. Telogen is the resting phase. The hairs that are shed daily are often in the resting or late phase in the hair cycle. Normally, about 10% of the scalp hairs are in the resting or telogen phase at any time. These hairs are not growing and are getting prepared for cyclic shedding. Continue reading Read More