Which Is The Highest quality Approach For Hair Regrowth?

8th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Nowadays, the problem of hair loss is widely spread and everyone is looking for hair regrowth solutions.If you are among the 85 million men suffering from inherited hair loss, you need to use a product that contains minoxidil, an FDA approved ingredient which has been proven to reverse male pattern baldness. One such product is Provillus Topical Solution which blends minoxidil with natural ingredients that have been proven to aid in hair regrowth. Continue reading Read More

Everything You Ever Wanted To Discover About Hair Regrowth .

4th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

The good news is that it is possible to prevent and reverse baldness. Since it is primarily caused by the excess amounts of the hormone DHT, the obvious solution is to decrease the level of DHT. This can be done using synthetic chemical drugs or natural treatments. As for the drugs (such as Propecia or Rogaine), their effectiveness is not universally accepted. Also, being synthetic chemicals, they have many side effects, including gynecomastia (growth of breasts in males), erectile dysfunction, chest pain, blurred visions etc. Therapeutic massagers who can help hair regrowth can be used anytime and anywhere as they don’t have any kind of adverse side effects. They are available on the market in the form of easy-to-use devices made from wood and metals like copper and silver. They stimulate the nerve endings in the head and cause the follicles to regrow hair naturally. The devices are quite inexpensive and can be used by both men and women without hesitation. They can also be used as general massagers to relieve stress and anxiety and they frequently prove to be quite effective. Undoubtedly, hair growth treatment is highly efficient and can be trustfully used as a remedy for thinning hair. Continue reading Read More

All You Have To Know About Natural Hair Regrowth

17th November, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Are you aiming to regrow your hair by natural means or are you taking into consideration natural hair regrowth? Do you know the best hair regrowth treatment method?Hair loss can happen to anyone, no matter whether you are a man or woman. The time that you discover that every time you comb or brush your hair, you observe that you lose more strands than usual. Then you look into the mirror and discover that you have a receding hair line or patches on your scalp that are visible due to your hair thinning out. There are two things you can easily do: do nothing and watch your beautiful hair fall out daily until you are bald or start a treatment to help keep your strands from falling out and grow some new hair. Continue reading Read More