Workplace Health In An IT Company

13th August, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It has always been implied that a company’s greatest asset is its employees.It can easily be deduced that the ones essentially running the company are its employees.All companies, may they be a manufacturing company, IT company or construction company, are concerned in providing a good workplace health practice to their employees. Continue reading Read More

Good Workplace Health Means No Back Pain

14th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

With the rate that healthcare costs is rising, it is fast becoming one of the biggest concerns of the modern society.Ordinary people are being infected by more highly complex diseases and illnesses that results to high healthcare costs which are giving the government and private sectors a hard time to manage. This also concerns the increase in workplace healthcare costs. Continue reading Read More

Biological Hazards And Workplace Health

14th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

It’s hard to find a person who would regularly go to work to risk his or her life if not needed. While all jobs have their own what is called occupational hazard, it is the duty of the company hiring them to make sure all workplace health risks are managed to a certain degree. Programs that manage health risks often increase worker productivity and even employee interest in work. Continue reading Read More

Eat More Fruits And Vegetables: It’s All Good

26th June, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Vegetables and fruits, which are loaded with fiber and vitamins and minerals, have been proven to be healthy for us and to prevent many types of diseases. Our parents always told us to eat our vegetables, and now we know they were right, but do we actually eat enough of these health-giving foods? Continue reading Read More

Ill Effects Of Smoking On Workplace Health

28th March, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Workplace health can be the foundation to turning around the world?s healthcare woes.The average employee is at work a very big part of his or her life and it?s only reasonable that to tackle healthcare on a national level, it should start at work.Because employees are less sick, this translates to not just savings for the entire nation but also for the employers. Continue reading Read More