Rolling Sushi Needs Expertise

29th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

There is an art to rolling sushi that can take many years to master. With the need to be able to make a tight roll without damaging the grains of rice, rolling sushi is a skill that requires a great deal of practice in order to master without the use of a sushi maker. While a sushi maker can significantly lower the learning curve of making sushi rolls, knowing how to roll your own sushi can help you make even better sushi. Continue reading Read More

How to Eat Nigiri Sushi

27th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If a slice of raw fish or prawns accompanied the sushi rice it would be called a Nigiri sushi. This is the highly adored sushi meal which is mostly offered in rectangular shapes gives a yummy taste to fish. Lots of different techniques have been used to make a Nigiri sushi, so even if you are ordering a same fish over and over again every time its taste would be diverse. Continue reading Read More

Impress Others With Your Sushi Rolls Utilizing Bamboo Sushi Mat

6th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you seek perfection in making sushi rolls all by yourself, then you will require an investment to purchase a bamboo sushi mat and that too of high quality. Making sushi for special events and celebrations is luxury which you can enjoy if you can master the art of making good sushi. Continue reading Read More