Health Emergencies Cause Problems In Relationships

19th July, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Learning that a family member has a serious illness is just as bad as getting your own diagnosis. If you are the main caregiver, taking care of them will exhaust you. In many ways, this role is tougher than your own sickness because you have so little control. If you have just had an operation or you are suffering from pain, you can move your body or shift your position. If you feel severe pain, you know it is time for a pill or some rest. If your loved one is in pain, you never really know if they are fine, regardless of what they say. You are not able to shift them or control them until you know they really are feeling better. This is a big stress, especially if you are used to always being able to fix a problem. Sometimes all you can do is wait patiently and offer them emotional support. In other cases, a bodily function is working incorrectly and there is no quick fix. All you can do is love your relative through the stress. When couples face fertility problems, it can be tough for both spouses. You can visit a fertility clinic but you have to rely on doctors and nature to run its course. To make things more complicated, your spouse may feel as if they have let you down. Problems like this create stress in a relationship. Continue reading Read More