The Extent of the DePuy Hip Recall as Illustrated by an FDA Enforcement Report

12th December, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Next to a knee hip replacement, a hip replacement surgery is the most frequently performed orthopedic operation, mainly because many hip disorders affect people of different ages and lifestyles. Most people know that all hip replacement procedures necessitate the implantation of a certain kind of prosthetic device, called a hip implant, of which DePuy Orthopaedics has produced and marketed for so many years now. Unfortunately, the world was shaken when it was exposed that their metal hip implants, the ASL XL Acetabular System and the ASL Hip Resurfacing System, are actually defective. Continue reading Read More

Drop Dress Sizes With FDA Consulting Accepted Supplements

4th January, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

You want to lose your excess weight naturally but none of the advice in books and magazines works. It can take much longer to do your weekly shopping when you have to inspect every food label. However ‘low fat’ on a label does not mean that the food is good for you. Continue reading Read More