How To Cure Asthma Naturally!

22nd May, 2010 - Posted by health news - No Comments

If you are an asthma sufferer then you can try either natural cures or medications and steroidal. Natural cures are by far the best and, if effective, and can avoid over usage of unnecessary drugs.Natural remedies include eating plenty of fruit and vegetables such as tomatoes and carrots, and plenty of green leafy vegetables and if asthma runs in the family then it is important that your children eat {plenty~lots] of vegetables on a daily basis. Eating an abundance of green apples is said to be effective for asthma sufferers. It has also been proven that adults who suffer from asthma have a low consumption of fruit and vegetables.There are also certain fatty acids that work as anti inflammatory fats. The fats can be found in egg yolks and shellfish and a selection of meats. Cutting down on these fats will help control your asthma Omega 3 is another natural cure to try along with fish oils, primrose oil and borage. These oils reduce the fatty acids that are in our bodies.One of the most effective natural remedies is as herb known as ‘ButterBur’. This herb is normally found in Asia, North America and Europe. The herb contains 2 ingredients that are shown to reduce muscle spasm which is responsible for closing the throat. When used alongside an inhaler the two remedies seem to be quite effective.The breathing technique called ‘Butekyo’ consists of learning to breathe in a shallow way which raises the blood levels of carbon dioxide. This helps to dilate the muscles of the airways.Treating asthma naturally can be effective. Choosing a healthy lifestyle and diet and cutting down on foods and drinks that will irritate the condition will keep your asthma under control and along with the Buteyko breathing technique, allow you to have a more active lifestyle.Find out more information on asthma bronchial treatment and cardiac asthma treatment and start to cure your asthma naturally. Continue reading Read More