What’s Epilepsy

14th January, 2012 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Our body movements are always functional and normal. When we walk we do it in a particular way. When we talk we do it in a particular way, when we run we do it in a particular way. So everything that we do have particular ways of performing it. Because out body functions are normal everything goes smoothly. There is nothing to interfere using the process. One of the ways which are body functions properly is by releasing chemical impulses to different parts from the body. The brain using our spinal cord sends in these signals to alert, manage and monitor all parts from the body. Nevertheless the normal body functions occasionally goes awkward. The functioning gets affected by an abnormality. So an abnormality that can impact our body is known as Epilepsy. Continue reading Read More

Is Topamax an Effective Treatment for PTSD?

23rd August, 2011 - Posted by health news - No Comments

Treatment for epilepsy has been approved for Topamax, the brand name of Topiramate, which has also been given an indication for the prevention of migraine headaches. However, this does not stop medical practitioners from doing off-label prescription with studies showing Topamax effective at treating PTSD(post-traumatic stress disorder). Pause should, however, be taken in off-label prescription with lawsuits expected to crop up in relation to recent studies linking Topamax to an increasing number of birth defects. Continue reading Read More